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animales (n.)
animal (adj.)
animal, boorish, loutish, neanderthal, neandertal, oafish, swinish
animal (n.)
animal, creature, animate being, beast, brute, fauna, dimwit, dope, bugger, damn fool, dumbo, loggerhead, moron, oaf, imbecile, idiot, fool, cretin, changeling, half-wit, retard, jackass, bonehead, fathead, wanker, arsehole, fuckwit, nincompoop, ass, nitwit, booby, wally, donkey, blockhead, clot, fat-head, vulture, wolf, savage, wildcat, bully, dunce, dunderhead, numskull, lunkhead, hammerhead, knucklehead, muttonhead, shithead, fuckhead, dumbass
asilo de animales (n.)
animal home, animal shelter, cats' and dogs' home, home for lost animals, home for stray animals
hogar para animales (n.)
animal home, animal shelter, cats' and dogs' home, home for lost animals, home for stray animals
maltrato de animales (n.)
protección de animales (n.)
residencia de animales (n.)
animal home, animal shelter, cats' and dogs' home, home for lost animals, home for stray animals
tienda de animales (n.)
animal bovino (n.)
bovine, bovine animal (literary)
animal con piel (n.)
animal de carga (n.)
animal de compañía (n.)
animal de felpa (n.)
animal de ficción (n.)
animal de laboratorio (n.)
animal de peluche (n.)
animal doméstico (n.)
animal en cautividad (n.)
animal fabuloso (n.)
animal ficticio (n.)
animal marino (n.)
animal muerto (n.)
animal nocturno (n.)
animal salvaje (n.)
especie animal (n.)
grasa animal (n.)
mundo animal (n.)
psicología animal (n.)
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Ver também
animal (n.m.)
↘ bestialidad, zóico, zoología
animales (n.)
animal (adj.)
relatif à (fr)[Classe...]
qui est à l'état sauvage (fr)[Classe]
animal (s.)
ente, forma de vida, organismo, ser, ser vivo — being, existence, organism[Hyper.]
mundo animal — Animalia, animal kingdom, kingdom Animalia, wildlife[membre]
causar, construir, crear, fabricar, obligar, realizar — create, make - animalise, animalize - asnal, bestial, brutal, bruto, duro — beastly, bestial, brutal, brute, brutish, heavy-handed[Dérivé]
animal (s.) [informal]
ingenuo; inocentón; ingenua; inocentona — naïve[ClasseParExt.]
personne stupide (fr)[Classe]
animal (s.)
animal (s.)
personne stupide (fr)[Classe]
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