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antecipar (v.)
anticipate, forestall, be ahead of, foresee, counter, plan ahead, look forward to, look forward, expect, look for, wait for, can't wait, take pleasure in the thought of
antecipar ()
antecipar () (Portugal)
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Ver também
antecipar (v.)
↘ imprevisto, inesperado, inevitável, não previsto, preditivo, previsível, profético
antecipando (prép.)
en attendant <qqch> (fr)[Classe]
antecipar [Portugal]
prévoir (fr)[Classe]
calcular, condenar, julgar — estimate, evaluate, judge, pass judgment[Hyper.]
expectativa, expectativa/antecipação, expetativa, perspectiva — expectancy, expectation, future prospects, outlook, perspective, prospect - expectation, gut feeling - expectante/ansioso — anticipant, anticipative, expectant[Dérivé]
antecipar (v.)
prévoir (fr)[Classe]
antecipar (v.)
s'impatienter (fr)[Classe]
se réjouir (fr)[Classe]
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