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can (v.)
mahazo, maminany, mahavita, fahazoana manao, fahefana, hery, mandroaka amin'ny asa, mandroaka, manala
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Ver também
canned (adj.)
↘ alcohol, alcoholic, alky, boozer, dipsomaniac, drinker, drunk, drunkard, drunken, drunkenness, inebriate, inebriation, inebriety, insobriety, intoxicate, intoxication, lush, make drunk, rummy, soak, soaker, sot, souse, tippler, tipsiness, wino ↗ can, put up, tin ≠ sober
can (v.)
↘ discharge, dismissal, dismission, firing, full legal capacity, legal capacity, legal competence, leverage, liberation, power, redundancy, release, sack, sacking ≠ employ, engage, hire, open up, take on
canned (adj.)
ivre (fr)[ClasseHyper.]
drunk - drunk, drunkard, inebriate, rummy, sot, wino[Dérivé]
canned (adj.)
(cure; conserve; preserve; bottle)[termes liés]
can, put up, tin[QuiSubit~]
canned (adj.)
colloquial expression, colloquialism[Domaine]
can (n.)
case; bin; canister; box[Classe]
can (n.)
[colloquial , American]
cell; jail cell; prison cell[Classe]
can (n.)
can (n.)
aliment en conserve (fr)[Classe]
boîte de conserve (fr)[Classe]
can, put up, tin[Dérivé]
can (n.)
can (n.)
siège de W.C. (fr)[ClasseHyper.]
can (n.)
can (n.)
buoy, rubber ring[Hyper.]
can (n.)
can (n.)
postérieur de l'être humain (fr)[DomainDescrip.]
body part, part of the body[Hyper.]
body, torso, trunk[Desc]
can (v.)
être possible (fr)[Classe]
can (v.)
être autorisé à (fr)[Classe]
can (v.)
can (v.)
démettre qqn de ses fonctions sociales (fr)[Classe]
retirer un titre (fr)[Classe]
renvoyer qqn violemment (fr)[Classe]
rejeter, ne pas inclure (fr)[Classe]
can (v. tr.)
cure; conserve; preserve; bottle[Classe]
keep, preserve[Hyper.]
can, tin, tin can - canister, cannister, tin - cannery, canning factory, canning industry, packing-house[Dérivé]
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