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vegetation (n.)
1.inactivity that is passive and monotonous, comparable to the inactivity of plant life"their holiday was spent in sleep and vegetation" abnormal growth or excrescence (especially a warty excrescence on the valves of the heart)
3.all the plant life in a particular region or period"Pleistocene vegetation" "the flora of southern California" "the botany of China"
4.the process of growth in plants
5.(botany) a living organism lacking the power of locomotion
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Merriam Webster
VegetationVeg`e*ta"tion (?), n. [Cf. F. végétation, L. vegetatio an enlivening. See Vegetable.]
1. The act or process of vegetating, or growing as a plant does; vegetable growth.
2. The sum of vegetable life; vegetables or plants in general; as, luxuriant vegetation.
3. (Med.) An exuberant morbid outgrowth upon any part, especially upon the valves of the heart.
Vegetation of salts (Old Chem.), a crystalline growth of an arborescent form.
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Ver também
vegetation (n.)
↘ floral, vegetative, vegetive ↗ faucial tonsil, palatine tonsil, tonsil, tonsilla ≠ fauna, zoology
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vegetation (n.)
vegetation (n.)
tumeur de la peau (fr)[Classe]
faucial tonsil, palatine tonsil, tonsil, tonsilla - vegetate[Dérivé]
vegetation (n.)
ensemble d'éléments végétaux (fr)[ClasseParExt.]
(sapling; tree)[termes liés]
(florist), (flower; bloom; blossom)[termes liés]
(botany; phytology)[termes liés]
vegetation (n.)
vegetation (n.)
plant; flora; plant life; vegetable[ClasseHyper.]
being, existence, organism[Hyper.]
kingdom Plantae, Plantae, plant kingdom[membre]
plant, plant out, plant with, set - plantlet - plantal - floral[Dérivé]
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