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bed (n.)
álveo, cama, cauce, cuadro, macizo, madre, lecho, veta, filón, yacija, capa, yacimiento de mineral, yacimiento, yacimiento de minerales, fondo
air bed (n.) (American)
air-bed (n.) (British)
be in bed (v.)
bed and board (n.) (British)
alojamiento y manutención, casa y comida, comida, comida y casa, pensión, pensión completa
bed and breakfast (n.)
bed-and-breakfast (n.)
bed bug (n.)
bed clothing (n.)
bed jacket (n.)
bed linen (n.)
bed of flowers (n.)
bed of roses (n.)
bed sheet (n.)
bed-wetting (n.)
double bed (n.)
get out of bed (v.)
go to bed with (v.) (man)
acostarse con (muchacho), apretar, atornillar, dormir con (muchacho), enroscar, follar (chabacano;muchacho), hacer el acto sexual (muchacho), hacer el amor (muchacho), joder (chabacano;muchacho), tener contacto sexual (muchacho)
head of bed (n.) (literary)
cabecera (literary)
put to bed
sea bed (n.)
sea-bed (n.)
single bed (n.)
take to bed (v.)
water bed (n.)
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Ver também
bed (v.)
↘ carnal knowledge, coition, coitus, congress, copulation, intercourse, relation, screwing, sex, sex act, sexual act, sexual congress, sexual intercourse, sexual relation, union of the flesh ≠ arise, get out of bed, get up, rise, turn out, uprise
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bed (n.)
formation, geological formation[Hyper.]
bed (n.)
bedroom furniture[Hyper.]
ball, bang, bed, be intimate, bone, bonk, do it, eff, engage in coitus, fuck, get it on, get laid, go to bed with, have a go at it, have intercourse, have it away, have it off, have sex, have sexual intercourse, hump, jazz, know, lie with, love, make love, make out, roll in the hay, root, screw, sex, sleep together, sleep with - bed, take to bed - bed[Dérivé]
hospital room - bedchamber, bedroom, chamber, sleeping accommodation, sleeping room[Desc]
bed (n.)
bed (n.)
dinner table; dining table; board; dining-table[Classe]
imprimerie (fr)[ClasseParExt.]
bed (n.)
bed (n.)
creux du sol dans lequel coule un cours d'eau (fr)[ClasseHyper.]
depression, natural depression[Hyper.]
bed (n.)
bed (v.)
bed (v.)
copulate, couple, mate, pair[Hyper.]
ass, fuck, fucking, nookie, nooky, piece of ass, piece of tail, roll in the hay, screw, screwing, shag, shtup - love, love life, lovemaking, making love, sexual love - bed, couch - erotic love, love, sexual love - lover - fucker[Dérivé]
make out, neck - archaicism, archaism[Domaine]
bed (v.)
take to bed[ClasseHyper.]
take to bed[ClasseHyper.]
take to bed[ClasseHyper.]
couche (fr)[Dérivé]
lay, place, pose, position, put, set[Hyper.]
bed, couch[Dérivé]
bed (v.)
bed (v.)
furnish, provide, render, supply[Hyper.]
bed, couch[Dérivé]